Clinical Magnetic Resonance Therapy

A breakthrough therapeutic technology that reproduces the natural electromagnetic fields produced by healthy cells as a means to affect targeted tissue types and body systems.

01Health at its foundation

CMRT represents the natural evolution of healthcare beyond molecular biochemistry to the particle level whereby electromagnetically charged atoms become the catalyst to restoring homeostasis and whole-body health at the most fundamental level.

02Safe and Effective

CMRT offers over 150 treatment protocols. As the only system of its kind, its multi-patented technology, clinical device and IT-based service provides uniform whole-body immersion into precisely tuned, physiologic, ultra-low (pico-Tesla) level magnetic fields to affect target body systems.

03Address Chronic Stress

To describe just 1 treatment protocol, the essential “A1-60 relaxation protocol” enhances feelings of relaxation (FDA-authorized claim) through the targeted stimulation of the vagus nerve. The relaxation response helps the body function optimally by balancing the nervous system and addressing issues associated with chronic stress such as inflammation, pain, poor sleep, poor digestion, low energy and low immunity.

CMRT in the US

CMRT is available to American health care providers through the distribution and support services of Einstech Inc.

Over 40 patents and 25 years of preclinical and clinical research studies conducted by leading Universities and medical institutes have contributed to the development of CMRT technology.

This safe, effective and non-invasive solution is currently utilized by over 150 clinics for a wide range of health care applications.

CMRT in Canada

CMRT is now available to Canadian health care providers through the national distribution and support services of Einstech Inc.

Over 40 patents and 25 years of clinical research studies conducted by leading Universities and medical institutes have contributed to the development of CMRT technology.

This safe, effective and non-invasive solution was more recently commercialized and introduced in the United States. It is currently utilized by over 150 clinics for a wide range of health care applications.


Completed Sessions


CMRT Clinics


Years of R&D


Research Institutes

Balancing the ANS

The “A1-60 relaxation protocol” featured above enhances feelings of relaxation through the targeted stimulation of the vagus nerve. The relaxation response counters the effects of chronic stress by increasing vagal tone and parasympathetic innervation to balance the autonomic nervous system (ANS). Among other crucial health benefits, this reduces low-grade inflammation throughout the body. The integrated real-time heart-rate variability (HRV) monitoring system provides biomarker feedback to visibly show the effects of CMRT on the patient’s ANS.

The Relaxation Response

The relaxation response provides many health benefits by engaging the innate restorative and self-healing mechanisms of the body. This can help reduce the many symptoms associated with chronic stress which are often exacerbated among individuals living with a chronic condition or disease. CMRT is intended to enhance feelings of relaxation in order to reduce the physiological symptoms associated with chronic stress. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The benefits of the relaxation response are shown directly below:

Targeting Body Systems

CMRT also allows a clinician to target specific biological structures within the body through exacting magnetic field strength protocols designed to affect various tissue types (e.g. muscle, nerve, tendon, ligament, bone etc.) and the associated body system.

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Parasympathetic Innervation to Balance the
Autonomic Nervous System.


Digestion, Organ Function, Cardiac Rhythmicity, Normalized Blood Pressure, Regular Sleep Patterns, Increased Energy Levels and Immune System Response.


Inflammation, Pain, Anxiety, Allergies,

Enjoyable Patient Experience

Intense feelings of relaxation and a general sense of well-being are experienced by most patients undergoing a CMRT treatment session.

Many people find CMRT so relaxing that they fall asleep during the 30 – 60 minute treatment session. Some individuals feel a slight sense of weightlessness or mild localized tingling sensations generally where inflammation, injury or other conditions are present in the body.


“I have used CMRT on professional athletes for sprains, strains and repetitive traumas. I have seen them return to full function in a fraction of the time that one would expect for these injuries to heal.”

Jeffrey Bos - D.C., FACO, Acupuncturist

“The CMRT device is simply one of the best pieces of equipment on the market that we have found to bring significant, and often instant pain relief to the widest sampling of patients with the widest array of complaints. From Parkinson’s, to autism, to the standard aches and pains and headaches that we treat on a daily basis”.

Kevin Sherwood - President and Co-Founder, Roseville Wellness Pavilion

“Every medical doctor / health professional should have such a profound medical device. CMRT is the most effective technology for reversing the effects of stress on the human body, activating the body’s ability to heal itself.”

Raphael Kellman - M.D

CMRT Simplified

Clinical Magnetic Resonance Therapy (CMRT) allows for full body immersion into precisely tuned, uniform, physiologic magnetic fields. This innovative technology affects biological targets at the atomic and molecular levels. It employs similar principles to that of nuclear magnetic resonance which allows a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) device to line up atomic nuclei for imaging. In stark contrast to an MRI, CMRT is virtually silent and uses pico-Tesla level magnetic fields that are billions of times weaker.

How can such a low signal strength have such a powerful effect? In short, CMRT speaks the body’s language. The electromagnetic fields it creates are the same as the physiologic electromagnetic fields produced by healthy tissues and body systems. This allows CMRT to target and positively affect body systems making it a safe, natural and highly effective therapy.

While CMRT is used to affect specific biological structures and conditions, it also provides universally beneficial treatments such as enhancing feelings of relaxation through the targeted stimulation of the vagus nerve. A key application of CMRT is to enhance feelings of relaxation through the targeted stimulation of the vagus nerve. The resulting relaxation response has a balancing effect on the crucial autonomic nervous system (ANS). Imbalance of the ANS due to chronic stress can lead to, and exacerbate symptoms of, various conditions and disease states. The relaxation response decreases the emotional and physiological effects of stress. It has been shown to improve symptoms and overall health in many areas including reducing inflammation and pain as well as optimizing digestion, sleep, energy, and immunity levels. CMRT is intended to enhance feelings of relaxation to reduce the physiological symptoms associated with chronic stress. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

CMRT is the only therapeutic system of its kind to offer:

Whole Body Immersion in a Uniform Magnetic Field

Magnetic Field Strengths Found Naturally in the Body

Infinite Number of Magnetic Fields

A Learning System: 150+ Treatment Protocols Currently

Heart Rate Variability Monitoring

Support from Major Clinical Studies and 40+ Patents

Our Mission

CMRT is a breakthrough technology that represents the natural evolution of healthcare to the atomic level. Einstech has been entrusted with distributing CMRT in the US. Pending successful completion of the Canadian certification process, we look forward to working with leading Canadian health care providers to help restore health and transform lives.

Our Vision

We envision a new era of preventative healthcare where powerful natural solutions that harness the body’s innate restorative capabilities are accessible to everyone.

Discover more about this evolutionary technology