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Warning: The magic method NodeEdge\Modules\Header\Lib\HeaderFactory::__wakeup() must have public visibility in /home1/magnesph/public_html/einstech/wp-content/themes/node/framework/modules/header/lib/header-factory.php on line 39
Contact | Einstech

Contact us

Pending successful completion of the Canadian certification process we will be able to provide CMRT and HALO pricing information. Please contact us should you wish to be notified when CMRT is available in Canada.


    Pending successful completion of the Canadian certification process, we expect to establish CMRT demonstration centres in markets across Canada either operated by Einstech or by Partner Clinics. Whether you are a health care provider or are interested in CMRT treatment sessions for yourself, we look forward to providing locations in which to try this remarkable technology.


    Head Office: Ottawa, ON
    Sales Office: Montreal, QC


    Mon to Fri:
    9am-8pm EST

    Sat, Sun:
    9am-5pm EST


    Consumers: 613 422-7707
    Health care providers: 613 298-4015


    Consumers: evolution@einstech.org
    Health care providers: ops@einstech.org