Clinical Feedback

Testimonial Disclaimer: The following written excerpts are from letters or videos (denoted by quotations) of CMRT Clinicians primarily in the United States. Results are not typical. Testimonials are based on individuals’ experiences; you may not have the same results in your practice. The average patient will experience enhanced feelings of relaxation. Any reference to a disease or chronic condition is an example of how addressing physiologic stress may help an individual live well with that disease or chronic condition; it is not indicating that our system can diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent the disease or chronic condition. All information provided is for educational purposes only. Our system is not a substitute for professional medical care.

Note: To accommodate country specific naming conventions, the product name has been changed in some cases to “CMRT” or “device”.

Medical Doctor

“Every medical doctor/ health professional should have such a profound medical device. The CMRT System is the most effective technology for reversing the effects of stress on the human body, activating the body’s ability to heal itself.”
Raphael Kellman, M.D.

– New York, NY

Holistic Healthcare

“What I just purchased is what I have been looking for all along in 20 years of practice, something that actually gets to the root of what is wrong with most people. I have been a Chiropractor an Acupuncturist and Nutritionist for 28 years, I have an ultra mixed practice; massage therapists, energy workers, acupuncturist and this device is the only device that I have come across in my life that gets down… to where all the action is at the atomic level to make things right… We’re at the quantum level of healing and it doesn’t get better than that.”
Dr Kevin Regan, DC, Acupuncturist and Nutritionalist

– Chicago, IL

Pain Clinic

“The CMRT device is simply one of the best pieces of equipment on the market that we have found to bring significant, and often instant, pain relief to the widest sampling of patients with the widest array of complaints. From Parkinson’s, to autism, to the standard aches and pains and headaches that we treat on a daily basis. CMRT has significantly helped scores of our patients diminish their pain within a single hour of treatment and also has encouraging long-term cumulative effects.”
Kevin Sherwood, President and Co-Founder Roseville Wellness Pavilion

– Roseville, CA

Professor of Medicine

“Based on these numerous studies, we strongly believe the reason the CMRT System has been proven effective in a wide variety of indications, is the same reason we have seen success in our atrial fibrillation studies. Using the Jacobson equation, algorithms have been developed to treat specific pathologies.”
Benjamin J. Scherlag, PhD, Professor of Medicine, Regent’s Professor, George Lynn Cross Professor of Research, Helen Webster Chair in Arrhythmia Research

Heart Rhythm Institute, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

Integrative Healthcare

“Just wanted to let you know we’ve been experiencing some outstanding results right out of the gate and I’ve only had my system for a week! Better still, the device is booked solid for the next month. I put my most difficult cases in the machine to see what it could really do from Fibromyalgia to Rheumatoid Arthritis and GI issues and to my amazement it hit them all out of the park… Thanks for the quantum-leap!”
Dr. Murray Smith, DC, Co-founder of SHIFT Integrative Medicine

– Crosby, MN


“The CMRT System is an exciting tool that will be utilized in our Synapse: Human Performance Center… We have been following the product and the company for some time and have seen first-hand the effectiveness of the system. We are very excited to be able to provide this for our patients.”
Patrick Bodnar, DC, Parker University Vice Provost

– Dallas, Texas

“There are so many people that I have treated on the device that typically would not go to the Chiropractor… The increase in revenue is great but pales in comparison to the joy I get when I see difficult conditions dramatically improve and how quickly I can help others feel better… When I go to retire, rest assured, one of my CMRT Systems will be going with me. This device will be part of my lifetime wellness plan.”
Dr Anissa Gruendler, Chiropractic Physician, Michiana Pain Relief Centre

– Nappanee, IN – excerpts from letter

“To all my healthcare colleagues the CMRT System is the best adjunctive therapy I have used in 30 yrs of practice!!”
Dr. Gregory Bark, DC

– Massapequa, NY


“I think what had made the most impact, and how I got the CMRT System was sitting in it myself… what it did for me was amazing. I did my pre doctoral internship in a forensic psychiatric hospital, maximum security…I was not sleeping… Constantly, I was in a state of perceiving danger. When I went to Miami and sat in the device… I wasn’t even sure how could this really work, after the one hour it made such a tremendous difference for me that I decided I don’t really care if I use it for any patients or not, I have to have it just for me and for my family and then I have to have it for any of my patients.


How it functions is amazing… for people that don’t like to be touched because of the trauma that they’ve experienced, there are also a lot of people that don’t like to talk, and we also know that even if people who suffer from PTSD and veterans if they come for therapy and they are not in a relaxed state and they are going through the process they are just going to get re-traumatized even more, and for that very reason I love CMRT because none of that needs to happen, it’s happening automatically and I know that they are in a relaxed state.”
Dr Jeanette Denkerova, Psychologist, PsyD, CCTP

– Florida

Patriot Project (for Veterans)

“I feel it is important that the public, particularly the military community, be made aware of your CMRT technology and the incredible impact it has on Veteran’s health and healing. To date we have treated hundreds of military, including multiple Medal of Honor recipients suffering with PTSD, TBI and chronic pain as a result of serving our country. The amazing results we have achieved, regardless of the condition, have been rapid and impressive. The Patriot Project is changing lives. It is our hope that the Department of Defense implement your cutting edge technology to all of our military. CMRT is truly a game changer.”
Dr Timothy Novelli, Chairman, Patriot Project

– North Canton, OH

Sports Medicine

“We have treated approximately 13 student athletes diagnosed with a concussion using CMRT. The longest it has taken to eliminate the headaches associated with the head injury has been 3 hours. All athletes with head injuries used various settings including the Migraine setting, depending on signs and symptoms and type of accident that caused the injury. The benefit of CMRT is that it eliminates the pain associated with injuries, allowing the student athletes to begin their rehab and/or Return to Play Protocols or simply allows them to function in life without nagging headaches and/or pain.”
Joe Messinger, MA, LATC, Sports Medicine Instructor/Athletic Trainer, Bel Air /Medical Magnet High School

– El Paso, TX

“Six weeks after purchasing a CMRT System for the practice:
I must admit that I am now astonished by the tremendous results I have seen clinically in such a short period of time. I am amazed with the results on athletes with sports related injuries or patients with chronic conditions overall. We treat a wide variety of patients here from everyday folks to amateur weekend warrior types, high school athletes, NCAA and pro athletes including golfers, bowlers and MLB players. The response to stiffness, inflammation and restricted motion in injured joints is remarkable. Recovery time after strenuous exertion and long distance running for example, is dramatically shortened as well.
2 years after purchasing the CMRT System:
I can tell you without hesitation that CMRT is the most amazing treatment modality that I have used in my nearly 25 years of practice.”
Dr. Jeffrey Bos, DC, FACO, Acupuncture Certified Provider

– Florida

Sports Therapy

“Heart rate variability is a key bio marker we have been looking at as an indicator to recovery, both from injury and from exercise as well as the players’ overall health. I was happy to see that CMRT produced significant positive changes in HRV levels. That being said, I do believe that it can play a role in reducing injury times. When used with some of our long-term injured players, they were able to return to full play in a shorter period of time than originally predicted. It goes without saying that having players healthy is the key to any team’s success. We also noted its effectiveness for the regular day to day issues such as muscle strains, fatigue, and to improve relaxation and sleep.”
Graham Rynbend, Head Athletic Therapist, Montreal Canadians

– Montreal

“I want to begin by saying how fortunate we were to get to use CMRT with one of our All Star Players, #11 AJ Pollock. He had a pretty severe fracture of the arm prior to the end of spring training. Upon initial evaluation our team physician was hoping to get around 70% bone healing in the fracture site and for AJ to return at some point next season. The road was long and arduous but in the end and to everyone’s delight the bone healing in the fracture was 95-100%! At the onset of the injury, AJ’s career was in jeopardy. It is my belief that the CMRT definitely played a key role in his near miraculous recovery.”
Nate Shaw, Strength and Conditioning Coach, Arizona Diamondbacks, owners of 2 CMRT Systems

– Arizona

Massage Therapist

“As a therapist it was so much easier for me to get results from that one 30 to 45 minute massage than I have ever gotten before. It took that inflammation down, it took those muscles and just relaxed them, so at the end of the treatment that we did, she [the client] said I just can’t believe how good I feel… I am just so excited to delve into this more and learn more about this. I mean pain relief, relaxation, I have been in the spa industry for over 20 years, I am a massage therapist so I am into cranial sacral, I know the positive touch… This marries with massage and packaging and spas so well… you are going to see this in spas, this is coming.”
Barbara Whatley, Golden Ocala Spa

– Ocala, FL

Spa and Wellness

“CMRT sessions have become an integral part in improving our clients overall physical, mental, and emotional health.”
David McCullar, Owner NeuroFitness Wellness Center

– Southfield, MI

“CMRT is unlike any modality we have ever used and has proven to be a game changer when it comes to addressing stress at its deepest levels, in some cases with results that can only be described as miraculous!”
Jourdan Rystrom, Spa Director, Firm Body Evolution

– Los Angeles, CA

“I was on a mission for state of the art, proven modalities for my new spa as I suffer from chronic back pain. I was overwhelmed because the pain and stiffness were gone after just one session. Decades of evidence based, clinical research gives us a weapon to address stress related issues and gives me the confidence that we can help anyone that walks through our door. I am certain based on what I have seen, that it will help to restore normal physical and emotional functions in believers and skeptics alike. I’m excited to see what the future holds.”
Arvind Mani, President/Owner MODE Mind and Body

– Pensacola, FL

“The CMRT System combines several future trends into one System. I’m predicting that Stress related issues like vagal tone and its biomarker heart rate variability, or HRV, will become the next big macro-trend in the wellness community. We are also seeing the emergence of approaches that combine technology with wellness, thereby reducing labor costs. The CMRT System brings both of these future trends to your Spa today. I’m a fan!”
Eric Stephenson, LMT, NCTMB, Director of Education imassage, Inc.

– Delray Beach, FL


“This is the case that I want you all to remember for the rest of your lives. So this was Ratchet… he had been diagnosed through ultrasound and biopsy with splenic lymphoma, a really bad disease, and these owners a young couple were not willing to give up… The spleen was very enlarged and if you look at the center part [showing ultra sound] it looks really motley, like there are a lot of holes in there, that was all the cancer… So they declined traditional therapy and so we started doing the gambit [she shows a slide of multiple therapies utilized] and of course they were in the CMRT System every day. [she then shows a live blood slide] That was his blood when we started, now that is sludge, that doesn’t even have the ability to even pick up oxygen. [She shows another live blood analysis after his first 1 hour CMRT treatment] “Now it’s not pretty looking yet but it’s a lot better then it was when he went in. And it took us three weeks… but we persisted because I knew that at some point it was going to change. [she shows blood slide after 3 weeks] So with everything else that we were doing that’s where we finally got his transition to occur and we had some really nice red blood cells.


So we do his ultrasound… and we’re going I don’t see any cancer. And I’m thinking are we really seeing that, so while holding our breath we send it to a board certified radiologist… and he sends back the result that there is no splenic cancer. Now he didn’t see the original film, so I sent him the original ultrasounds and said what do you think now? And he said ‘Well, I’m assuming that your Chemo must be working’ and I said well we didn’t use any chemo but I’ll tell you what we did, and he had a one word response in his email which was ‘WOW’.”


“… So, I want to help all of us to break those chains of limiting beliefs that hold us back. We know that dis – ease only occurs when there is chaos at the atomic level, we have a machine that allows us to reset the energetic frequencies, put them back to normal. If you go back to the same lifestyle and environment that created the chaos, it’s going to come back. So, use your machine and get people to start making life changes.”
Dr Siegal, Veterinarian, Pasco Veterinary Medical Center

– Lutz, FL