The Einstech Group

A supportive community of health care providers from diverse disciplines all dedicated to enhancing their healing capabilities through this evolutionary technology. Einstech provides dedicated support to Partner CMRT Clinics through:


CMRT System installation and live training


Technical and patient treatment phone support


Online CMRT Clinician training resources


Informational and marketing materials

The Einstech Group

A supportive community of health care providers dedicated to healing and advancing this evolutionary technology. Einstech provides dedicated support to Partner CMRT Clinics through:


CMRT System installation and live training


Technical and patient treatment phone support


Online CMRT Clinician training resources


Informational and marketing materials


Clinical Magnetic Resonance Therapy (CMRT) can be employed as a new dedicated service or as an adjunct therapy service in an existing health care practice. CMRT is currently being used by Partner Clinics in many key sectors including: medical, integrative health, chiropractic, physiotherapy, registered massage therapy, pain management, sports medicine, psychology and veterinary.


The CMRT System may be operated by a qualified individual who has completed the online course and onsite training session. The operator is required to diagnose the patient and select the appropriate treatment protocol to initiate the session; after which the operator is free to leave the patient unattended if it is safe to do so.


A CMRT session lasts from 30 to 90 minutes and involves a non-invasive and relaxing patient/client experience.


The standard rate charged for a single 60-minute CMRT session in the U.S. market is typically $90 to $110.

Patient Care In the Clinic ...

Although some patients will experience positive results in the initial sessions, the recommended therapeutic dose is typically 6 sessions within 14 days. After this time, a weekly maintenance session is recommended until the patient’s symptoms are alleviated or the desired effect is achieved. Chronically stressed patients and those living with serious conditions may realize incrementally beneficial results over much longer durations.

CMRT involves a comprehensive system consisting of two primary components: the CMRT device (with orthopaedic zero gravity chair), and the CMRT Service (with preconfigured computer and integrated software interface requiring Internet connectivity). The system allows the operator to easily select from over 150 treatment protocols. During a CMRT session, a treatment protocol will visibly (as seen on the CMRT interface) and audibly (as heard from the magnetic signal driver / terminal control unit) oscillate through a number of unique codes. Each code consists of a precise electromagnetic field strength in order to affect the specified biological target(s) and related condition.

The included HIPPA compliant patient registration, information and symptom tracking software as well as heart rate variability monitoring system, provide both patient and biomarker feedback as to the effectiveness of each session. The CMRT System is a “learning system” which utilizes a cloud-based therapeutic or SaaS model (software as a service) to automatically update or provide new protocols as they become available.

... and Patient Care Beyond

Patients who depend on this technology daily to maintain their quality of life may purchase a home unit through the Partner Clinic. The HALO is a lite version of the CMRT System that provides a limited number of treatment protocols that can be preselected for the patient by the CMRT Clinician. Many people use their HALO daily to maximize the therapeutic effects of the technology. Additional details on the HALO system can be found on the Patients page.

Becoming a CMRT Clinician

Pending successful completion of the Canadian certification process, the CMRT System is expected to be available through Einstech to qualified clinics across Canada. The CMRT Device itself will be available through one of three models; it may be leased monthly, financed over 5 years or purchased outright.

We look forward to hearing from you