Patient Testimonials

Testimonial Disclaimer: The following written excerpts have been transcribed from full-length patient and clinician testimonial videos unless otherwise indicated. To protect the privacy of patients we have not included names in most cases. Health care professionals who are interested in particular cases may request the original video by contacting Einstech.

Results are not typical. Testimonials are based on individuals’ experiences; you may not have the same results. The average person will experience enhanced feelings of relaxation. Any reference to a disease or chronic condition is an example of how addressing physiologic stress may help an individual live well with that disease or chronic condition; it is not indicating that our system can diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent the disease or chronic condition. All information provided is for educational purposes only. Our system is not a substitute for professional medical care. Please consult your own physician or healthcare provider if you have any concerns related to your medical condition.

Note: To accommodate country specific naming conventions, the product name has been changed in some cases to “CMRT” or “device”.


Retired All-Star Pro Football Player with ALS

“I actually don’t know what my quality of life would be without the Halo. I have been using it daily… I have a slow moving version of the disease. My particular form of ALS has responded well to the Halo… I don’t want to give false hope to others battling this awful disease. I would encourage others to try it.”

Former All-Star Pro Football Player living with ALS for over 14 years.
Excerpts from article “Former Alouettes star Soles finds his “Halo” in battling ALS” by Mike Cohen – The Suburban newspaper, Quebec

Caretaker for Pro Football Player with ALS

“Where he required assistance he doesn’t require it now. You can see he has a lot more control and he is a lot more confident. The main things are; the strength in his legs, the balance, and I find it amazing how much easier it is to understand him now because he otherwise has to use an assisting device for communication… I think it can help people with ALS and other issues, it is a remarkable machine”

– Caregiver for ALS patient, Montreal, Quebec

“What really amazes me is the effect the device has on the brain and the nervous system. I have seen patients with dementia and Alzheimers disease improve their ability to communicate and interact with their caregivers.”

Jeffrey Bos, D.C., FACO. Acupuncturist & Chiropractic Orthopedist, Winter Springs, Florida – excerpt from letter

“I think what had made the most impact, and how I got the CMRT device was siting in it myself… what it did for me was amazing. I did my pre doctoral internship in a forensic psychiatric hospital, maximum security…. I was not sleeping… Constantly, I was in a state of perceiving danger. When I went to Miami and sat in the device… I wasn’t even sure, how could this really work, after the 1 hour it made such a tremendous difference for me that I decided I don’t really care if I use it for any patients or not, I have to have it just for me and for my family and then I have to have it for any of my patients.”

Dr Jeanette Denkerova, Psychologist, PsyD, CCTP – Florida

“I’ve had a lot of problems with arthritis and they have diagnosed now that I’ve got gout also in both my legs and my feet and movement was limited, I was in a great deal of pain…” After first session: “Actually right away I noticed there was a difference… I’d say about 50-60% of the pain left me and the next day was much better…I was able to move around more easily than I had in say 3, 4 years.” 2 sessions later: “Now it’s better than bearable, it’s way below bearable, so I’m doin’ pretty good.”

65-year old patient, Montreal, Quebec

Arthritis, PTSD, Fibromyalgia, Sleep Issues (Gulf War Syndrome)

“I’m actually amazed because the stiffness is very much improved, I’m sleeping a lot better, actually the day before, I had slept entirely through the night it was shocking, then I did wake up a few times last night but then was able to go back to sleep. The headaches are improved immensely, right now I am not having to take the pain medication. Overall the pain when I initially started this, I was at a 6, 7-8 and now its improved to a 1.”

Patient experience

“I also have been off my daily asthma medication and all rescue inhalers since April 2016, thanks to CMRT. I completely treat and control the inflammation in my lungs with CMRT with much better results than Singulair or Advair ever offered.”

Dr Anissa Gruendler, Chiropractic Physician – Nappanee , IN – excerpt from letter

“He is capable of so many things, but one of the areas where he struggles the most is in communication and we put him in the machine and even the first time, its made a huge difference… He is actually able to communicate with much more comprehensive thoughts and words. He is using more complete sentences now and it’s exciting to be able to have this new level of communication.”

Father of 5-year old son with autism

Autistic siblings: one with a severe case and the other high functioning

“She’s now 18… she’s a mute, so she’s uncommunicative, she suffered from severe herpes zoster type breakouts all over her body. Nobody could figure out what it was… well after about a month of treatments twice a week, those rashes have almost completely disappeared…As far as tantrums, attacking teachers, being aggressive, it’s probably 90% better at this point. Her brother is also autistic, but he’s very high functioning, he’s also been in the device… they’ve also done stems cells, they’ve done everything for these kids, the CMRT device is the biggest change that has happened. Being in the device for about 2 months his reading levels went up 3 grades, he’s now in a college for autistic kids and doing extremely well – she comes into the office and runs into this chair.”

Dr. Greg Bark, New York


After several treatment sessions for severe lower back pain “I was suffering with lower back pain, I mean really bad… It completely cleared my back, completely… So for any of you who are in doubt that this system works, I’m a living testimony that it does, it works!”

Patient experience – Clearwater, Florida

Lower back pain

“I couldn’t touch my toes, I didn’t even try to touch my toes I knew it hurt so bad”. After a 1 hr session while touching his toes: “For me to be able to do this in just an hour, uhh I’m pretty much speechless after that, it’s, that’s incredible”.

Former MLB Player & Baseball Analyst, MLB Network

Chronic back pain

“I’ve used just about everything… I have no more pain, I can’t believe it!”

87-year old man suffering from 25-30 years of back pain

Chronic lower back pain

“I was very skeptical.. I’ve had a couple of treatments, and I cannot believe the amount of less pain that I do have in my back because of the treatments that I’ve received. Being a firemen for 21 years, most of us and I have a lot of back pain and it’s really catching up to me later in life. And because of this machine that I’m standing next to I have a lot less pain today”.

Retired, New York Fire Department – Florida

Critically low heart rate

“When he was younger, early adulthood he had many many ulcers and the treatment of choice back then was to cut the vagus nerve, and you can imagine all kinds of horrible things he’s had to deal with since then because he’s has poor control of his autonomic nervous system… He’s 87 years old and he was starting to experience all sorts of serious heart conditions… He couldn’t even function anymore, he couldn’t sleep at night, he wasn’t eating, he was extremely pale his heart rate was something like 30…I really thought he was going to die, we were all worried that he was passing.” After a week of treatment: “His blood pressure went up and regulated, and his heart rate was up to 55 something like that, I really think it saved his life and I’m really grateful for that.”

Dr Whit Roberts, Co-founder of Integrative Medical Clinic, Lehi, UT – account of his Father’s experience.

Stage 1- 2 Breast Cancer

After 30 CMRT sessions over 6 months prior to surgery
“The Oncologist came out, 45 minutes and said that the cyst had encapsulated and was not nearly as big as it was on the scan, so that was good, and my plastic surgeon… he said it looked great.. I was very happy and he only took maybe a couple of hours.. and he thought he was going to have to be in there all day, I mean like a 6 hour total, so I was very happy. It was a fast recovery because then afterwards I also used CMRT for tissue repair… I was also having issues with sleeping and now I’m sleeping… I think you have to take your health in your own hands, don’t listen to the first doctor you come to and definitely use CMRT because it treats all of your body and I truly believe that any type of dysfunction in your body leads to disease so if CMRT can heal the nervous system which is a major part of your body, you should definitely use CMRT”.

Patient experience, San Antonio, Texas


“I am so glad that I discovered your business Magnetic Therapy, it has done wonders for me physically, emotionally and mentally, I highly recommend it. I can spend and hour in this chair… and whatever it does, it is working beautifully for me and I feel so much better with every treatment and I think that every time I come in I’m getting stronger.”

Patient experience – Florida

Suffering daily since age 11 from chronic headaches

“It has been 7 ½ weeks since my last magnetic resonance therapy treatment and I have not had a single headache since. I had some issues going off my medicine, with withdrawals and I got sick for a little bit, but I didn’t have a headache throughout that whole time, and that’s all taken care of now. So up to this point magnetic resonance therapy has healed me, has taken away my headaches and that’s something I wasn’t sure was even possible. After so long of having them you just kind of assume it’s going to be like that forever. So this is incredible, its amazing and I’m so grateful for this opportunity that I’ve had. If you have any ailments that you haven’t been able to find any help for, no doctors have been able to help you out, you don’t want to do surgery, you don’t want to do medication, I highly suggest magnetic resonance therapy. Worse case scenario you’re back where you started, best case scenario you’re like me and your chronic headaches of over 10 years have been healed.”

23-year old female – Pensacola, Florida

Chest congestion

“One of my doctors was having deep chest congestion and unable to stop coughing and when she came out of the CMRT session she stopped coughing and she could take deep breaths in and out with no problems at all, it was quite stunning actually.”

Dr Stan Pierce DC account of co-worker’s experience – Clearwater, Florida

Multiple surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation for colon cancer

“She said for 3 years now I’m in unbearable pain, even on morphine and the strongest pain meds. And she said now the pain meds are destroying my system. She said every doctor said it’s permanent and there’s no treatment. She said you’re my last hope. I put her in the device and she felt a little tingle and warmth in her abdomen, a little pain relief. She came in 3 times a week, in 3 weeks no pain. That was a couple years ago. We’ve had her come in once a month. She said I haven’t been in pain since I saw you.”

Dr Paul Finucan DC account of patient experience – Naples, Florida

“I had a motorcycle accident. My leg was hurt really bad. I wasn’t able to walk for 2 months. I came here last week with crutches for my first session. Today I got here without crutches. I did my 1 hour session and I feel much better with just 2 sessions. I can stand up without effort. I don’t have any pain.” (translated from Spanish)

Patient experience – Florida

“I have suffered from migraine headaches with aura and facial numbness caused by neuropathy for several years as a result of a car accident. I did four one-hour sessions in the device to treat concussion symptoms, but the device immediately pin-pointed the facial neuropathy symptoms associated with my migraines. Not only did the concussion symptoms disappear but a year later I have not experienced a single migraine or any facial numbness.”

Patient experience (from letter) – Ottawa, Ontario

“I fell, hit my head and had a concussion, I looked up online… how long it would take to recover from a concussion and it said that for my level of injury it could take up to 100 days and they didn’t recommend any kind of activity at all during that period of time. I felt pretty bad I was very foggy I had a lot of fatigue and headaches and dizziness… Within the first treatment, I felt the fog sort of start to lift and by the second one, I was already ready to drive my car and it was a matter of days not months like they said it was going to be, I was really pleased about it. Just the feeling of well being and relaxation that came from it was great on its own. But I feel so much more…like I have my brain back from going in the CMRT device, it was a great experience.”

Patient experience – Fairview, NC


A woman with severe depression tapers off of medication with the help of CMRT

“I was experiencing debilitating anxiety and overwhelming sadness and terrible insomnia, I was virtually bed ridden… CMRT helped me calm down all of the withdraw symptoms that I was experiencing, I could finally sleep, it really brought me out of the flight or flight pattern that I was experiencing over and over and over.. My anxiety dissipated, the sadness I was feeling constantly became much more tolerable and less frequent, my digestion improved, my thinking became much more clear, and maybe most importantly my relationships got much more manageable and social interactions became enjoyable again.”

Patient experience – Centennial, Colorado

“I am a diabetic that has neuropathy in my feet, it causes quite a bit of pain, it has even woken me up at night. I take a minor pain medication every single day, plus I also take another medication specifically designed to combat neuropathy.” When asked how he felt after a treatment session where he started at a pain level of 7 he said: “I’m feeling great, my pain’s probably, maybe a 1 or 2… I am amazed by the fact that I am not in any pain.”

Patient experience


“I have been in chronic pain for the past 11 years. After only 3 sessions in the machine I have virtually no pain.”

Patient experience, Montreal, Quebec

Patient was seeking a more natural way to control fibromyalgia

“I’m very surprised about the results. I tried it because after 10 years of having fibromyalgia I’ve tried everything because I didn’t want to lock myself into being dependent on medication, I wanted to find a more natural healthy way to control my fibromyalgia. It’s kind of been search and discovery and the last 2 years have been putting the puzzle pieces together and it’s kinda like this is the last puzzle piece and I’ve been pleasantly surprised. After the third time I said you know what, I feel better than I’ve felt in 10 years.”

Patient experience

Living with headaches and pain from fibromyalgia for 11 years despite trying everything.

“I’ve been through epidurals e very 3 weeks, I’ve been through all kinds of pain killers.. I’ve tried everything, anything that they would tell me I tried it. After 2 CMRT treatment sessions: I felt great, I have more energy, my stiffness was gone, my headache was gone of course and…I got emotional because…you’re always on drugs or something.”

41-year old Mother – Montreal, Quebec

Patient finally experiences relief from non-stop fibromyalgia pain after 4 years

“What haven’t I tried is more the question. I have tried every modality that’s out there. I’ve tried Western medicine, of which if you have fibromyalgia you realize that is a dead end, it’s basically just getting medications to put a bandaid on all of your symptoms mainly your pain, and I have suffered non-stop for over 4 years with pain. I never had flares like most fibromyalgia sufferers do, my pain has been non-stop, so I ended up on some really heavy duty medications…” Results after multiple CMRT treatment sessions: “Miraculous results, it’s gradual but it absolutely without a shadow of a doubt has decreased my pain immensely. On a scale of 1-10 on the regular pain scale, my pain, even with the medications was anywhere from a 6 to a 7 everyday, non-stop 24/7, and now I would say that my pain is probably about a 2, which has allowed me to begin to start weaning myself off of those really horrible pain medications. But, this technology you owe it to yourself, you owe it to yourself to try it and you need to give it time to work, but it will work and it will take away your pain and I know that’s what you want because that’s what I wanted, I wanted my life back and this technology is amazing.”

MLB All-Star sustains a “pretty severe fracture” at the end of spring training in 2016

“Upon initial evaluation our team physician was hoping to get around 70% bone healing in the fracture site and for AJ to return at some point next season… The CMRT System was one of the modalities that he chose as part of his program after hearing the positive data the device presented. The road was long and arduous but in the end and to everyone’s delight the bone healing in the fracture was 95-100%. At the onset of the injury, AJ’s career was in jeopardy. It is my belief that CMRT definitely played a key role in his near miraculous recovery… He in fact was able to continue playing again in the 2016 season at a high level.”

Nate Shaw, Strength & Conditioning Coach, Arizona Diamondbacks – exerpts from letter


Symptoms include Arthritis, PTSD, Fibromyalgia, Sleep Issues

“I’m actually amazed because the stiffness is very much improved, I’m sleeping a lot better, actually the day before, I had slept entirely through the night it was shocking, then I did wake up a few times last night but then was able to go back to sleep. The headaches are improved immensely, right now I am not having to take the pain medication. Overall the pain when I initially started this, I was at a 6, 7, 8 and now it’s improved to, you know, 1.”

Patient experience


“Headache sufferers have found the treatment to be an effective alternative to medication.”

Dr Jeffrey Bos, DC, FACO, Certified Acupuncture Provider, Winter Springs, Florida – excerpt from letter

Pain management specialist who herself has frequent headaches

“I would have rated the headache at about a 6-7. Within the first half an hour I would say it subsided down to about a number 3. I continued to sit in here for the full hour and I have no headache, I feel wonderful… You better believe that I will go back to the powers that be, all the smart doctors I work with, and I will help talk to them about using this in our practice.”

Pain Management Company Executive, American Academy of Pain Medicine Conference Orlando, Florida

Heart condition with a leaking heart valve and high blood pressure

“My blood pressure has improved and its staying low.. My cardiologist couldn’t believe that my heart condition improved on my last echocardiogram. He said that this condition never ever gets better, but mine improved significantly.  It still leaks, but the percentage is very low.”

Patience experience – Monroeville, Pittsburgh – excerpt from a letter

“My hips were in a lot of pain on both sides which I have been dealing with for a long time, I have a lot of pain.… A big sports person… I hit 47 and it’s caught up with me that hip pain I’ve been dealing with for a long time, years. Lower back pain and I have tinnitus, it’s really bad”. After the first 1 hour session: “I have no pain right now at all in my hips… and my tinnitus is gone.. I cannot hear it… it’s just the craziest thing, it’s really crazy. … I really just thought I would come out maybe relaxed, refreshed… I didn’t know I’d come out pain free and my tinnitus would be gone. It’s unbelievable… and the stories I’ve heard today from the other doctors that are using it.. just unbelievable”.

47-yr old female – Super Conference, Orlando, Florida


“I also have been off my daily asthma medication and all rescue inhalers since April 2016, thanks to CMRT. I completely treat and control the inflammation in my lungs with CMRT with much better results than Singulair or Advair ever offered.”

Dr Anissa Gruendler, Chiropractic Physician – excerpt from letter

Received treatment for back pain and flu symptoms disappear

“I noticed that my flu symptoms kinda got knocked right out of me a couple of hours later. I had just like a burst of energy.”

Patient experience – Farmington Hills, MI

“I was having unbelievable sleep problems, I was sleeping like maybe 3 hours, I’d go to bed, sleep a couple of hours and then kind of be awake, half asleep for the rest of the night. Upon my first treatment, I got a really, an almost sound night of sleep, after the second treatment it got even better, and when I finished the sixth my sleep really corrected for quite a period of time because I have very chronic, chronic sleep problems. If you’re having sleep problems and you don’t want to take any medications I absolutely suggest you try this, it was very effective for me.”

Patient experience


“The most astounding was the woman this morning with knee pain who was really headed for a knee replacement, in a severe amount of pain… I tested her before she got in the CMRT device and she came out pain free after suffering from severe pain.”

Dr Reilley, DC – Fariview, NC

An international visitor at a U.S. Health Conference tries a CMRT session

“I have a history of knee problems, torn meniscus, torn ACL, both knees, and right now I am able to bend down to my knees, no pain, it always hurts, I do my squats to strengthen my legs but it always hurts at least 10-20% pain, right now no pain whatsoever. I have been a chiropractor for 10 years…this equipment will change a lot of things going on in Healthcare.”

Dr Roga, Chiropractor for 10 years in Aruba

A woman with knee pain tries the first CMRT System in Ottawa, Canada

“My first experience with CMRT was amazing. I remember after my first visit, the pain was virtually gone. I then went for 2 subsequent treatments to maintain the progress. I found the 3 treatments most relaxing and my knee felt so much better. I found the device and physiotherapy treatments complimented each other very well. I would highly recommend CMRT for two reasons: for pain relief and deep relaxation. I always fell asleep during the treatments. I am convinced it will benefit the health of so many who are looking for an alternative and natural healing solution.”

Patient and Certified Hatha Yoga Instructor – Ottawa, ON (2020)

Post knee surgery pain level goes from a 10 down to 1

“It’s the second session and I am walking. I have no brace and I’m moving. I came out of surgery 5 days ago; ACL, MCL and torn miniscus… Supposed to be 6 months recovery and look at me now, 5 days later (laughs)” ”

Patient and amateur athlete – Montreal


Acute Myelogenous Leukemia

Patient has extremely low platelet count after second round of chemotherapy
“They wanted to do a bone marrow transplant, and he (the patient) doesn’t really want to do that. So we are doing holistic things, we have him in the device 3 times a week… They did another biopsy and they said he’s really good, so everything looks good, all his blood-work looks great and he keeps improving and they don’t know why… but we know it’s from CMRT so it’s going great, and we’re praying and hoping it’s going to keep going up.”

Chris Ambrosio, CP, Kinesiologist and Author – account of patient experience
-Woodstock, Georgia

“For at least a year I have not been able to raise up and come on my toe like this, it would cause me so much pain… it would be too excruciating to do.” After a 1 hr session while repeatedly extending onto his toes: “It feels stronger, like I have more strength in that ligament area. I do feel it, but it’s not hurting, that’s incredible man, I’m able to like come up on my tip toes, and I haven’t been able to do that in a year like that, seriously… I’m happy, I’m feeling good!”

“I actually don’t know what my quality of life would be without the Halo. I have been using it daily… I have a slow moving version of the disease. My particular form of ALS has responded well to the Halo… I don’t want to give false hope to others battling this awful disease. I would encourage others to try it.”

“Another patient came in with severe Lyme disease, total body pain, probably depressed, anxious, came out of the session like he’d been on tranquilizers, completely relaxed his pain was gone, anxiety gone, he was shocked, he was stunned.”

Dr Edward Reilly DC, account of patient’s experience -Fairview, NC


“We actually had a patient who had Meniere’s disease – had ringing in his ears for years, and we had been treating him chiropractic-ally with some success, but we put him on the device and it was interesting after his first visit he walked out and he was flabbergasted as to the success of the treatment in relieving his ringing of the ears and… We had great success in treating his tinnitus and his dizziness so we were very pleased with that.”

Dr Volstad’s account of patient experience – Jupiter Florida

“I have suffered from migraine headaches with aura and facial numbness caused by neuropathy for several years as a result of a car accident. I did four one-hour sessions in the device to treat concussion symptoms, but the device immediately pin-pointed the facial neuropathy symptoms associated with my migraines. Not only did the concussion symptoms disappear but a year later I have not experienced a single migraine or any facial numbness.”

Patient experience (from letter) – Ottawa, Ontario

“It’s not out of the ordinary for us to see a Migraine be wiped out in 20-30 minutes in this device, and for those who suffer from chronic Migraine issues… over a few sessions we can create long term results for those folks.”

Show and Tell Interview with Dr Anissa Gruendler Chiropractic Physician – Nappanee , IN

Extreme shaking from MS

“I was shaking extremely, like I shake a little bit now, but I’ll say this, CMRT has taken 60% of my shaking away, everyone notices that I walk better and I can cook for myself and I owe it all to CMRT”

Patient experience, Calgary, Alberta

After 4 treatment sessions a patient with MS is moving more fluidly and feels better than he has in years

“After doing a bootcamp, then the CMRT machine, I decided to go to a yoga class at the MS society, and I ran after lunch and they had a spinning class. It feels like someone’s given me a second chance, ya I do have MS and I respect that, but from an energy point of view and a pain point of view, if you don’t have that pain and you have the extra energy you can do a lot of extra things… actually I sleep quite well now.. I’m just so happy when it comes to not having the pain, I’m a different person really.”

Patient experience, Montreal, Que

Woman with MS has a better quality of life and finds hope

“I’ve actually had MS for over 20 years, the last 2 years being pretty unbearable, where I became paralyzed in February and finally to the hospital. I couldn’t wake up… lost the hearing in my left ear, started loosing it in my right ear, I had infections in my teeth, lost 4 of my bottom teeth, no mobility, paralyze-ation, pain that you can’t describe, they call it multiple sclerosis because there are so many multiple symptoms you don’t know which one to go after…
After 5 treatment sessions:
“Since I’ve been coming here I haven’t taken antibiotics since, no infections, and my sleep, for the first time in 3 years I actually fell asleep without – it’s hard to describe what MS does to you but without a pain in your brain. It was the best sleep I’d had in so many years that I’d actually forgot what it was like to sleep. And it’s just done phenomenal things for me… I know it’s helped my concentration, I know it’s helped my brain calm down, I know it’s helped my shakes, I used to shake so bad I couldn’t put pants on… My quality of life since I’ve come here, it’s given me so much hope that I know I have a fighting chance to manage all the multiple complications I have with this in a way that I will have a better quality of life and already do have a better quality of life with these very minimal sessions… If I didn’t come to Magneceutical Center I probably would have lost my hope, and they helped me get it back, and I thank you”.

Patient experience, Clearwater Florida

“Today a patient told me that all her anxiety and depression issues were gone and that
her thinking was clearer and that at age 63, she takes zero medications and can now knit which she had stopped doing because the pain in her hands was so severe.”

Dr Anissa Gruendler, Chiropractic Physician, Nappanee , IN – excerpt from a letter


Amputee with nerve pain and phantom limb pain 2 months after surgery “Relaxation was obvious, off the bat, I almost fell asleep, it was amazing. [Re: Pain level after the first 1 hour session:] “Completely gone, at the moment, gone, and I’m lovin’ it! It was instantaneous, it went away.”

Patient experience – Orlando Florida

“I have suffered from migraine headaches with aura and facial numbness caused by neuropathy for several years as a result of a car accident. I did four one-hour sessions in the device to treat concussion symptoms, but the device immediately pin-pointed the facial neuropathy symptoms associated with my migraines. Not only did the concussion symptoms disappear but a year later I have not experienced a single migraine or any facial numbness.”

Patient experience (from letter) – Ottawa, Ontario

“I have seen patients with debilitating foot pain caused by neuropathy, regain the ability to enjoy their grandchildren.”

Dr Jeffrey Bos, DC, FACO, Acupuncture Certified Provider – Winter Springs, Florida – excerpt from letter


Effects on tension and mild osteoarthritis after 1 session

“As a massage therapist I noticed after the first session in the device that my tension level was a lot lower in my upper body, I have mild osteoarthritis, and my pain level in my joints was down from an 8 out of 10 down to say a 2, and also I had a lot easier time falling asleep at night, a lot quicker… I’m feeling a lot more relaxed on a deeper level.”

Registered Massage Therapist, Montreal, Que


“My situation is I hurt all the time, I hurt from disc issues, sciatic issues, its causing referred pain to my foot, to my knees I stay in constant pain, chronic, and debilitating pain to the point where I have lost profound movement on my left side, not only movement but functionality. After 1 hour in this chair the pain in my foot is completely gone, that doesn’t happen, that’s not happened in years. A knee that gives me trouble all the time, it hurts constantly, the pain’s completely gone. I believe that this was the next step, I feel better than I have in years.”

Patient experience -Tenessee

“After 6 treatments I felt that my muscle rigidity was reduced and my balance was better. My wife commented that I was standing straighter and my movements were more normal. I was skeptical that the results were possibly just in my head, but after a few more treatments I leased a home machine and have been using it about 3 times a week for the past year.”

Richard London, Author and Inspirational Speaker – Excerpt from Secrets to Living Well with Parkinson’s Disease

Patient with Parkinson’s finds relief from pain and headaches

“I’ve been on CMRT therapy now for several years, and I’m not cured, but, I feel significantly better. I’m able to enjoy life more. I don’t live in pain 24 hours a day, I don’t have the headaches, and I believe that this type of therapy is really at the forefront of dealing with many diseases, Parkinson’s is just one of them. And I’m really encouraged that’s it’s going to continue to help improve my life.”

66-yr old male patient in Parkinson’s clinical study

A CMRT Clinician reflects on treating patients with Parkinson’s

“It is really a good feeling to know that you can help relax the spasms in a man’s vocal chords so he can sing at church or reduce his hands from shaking so he can button his own shirt.”

Dr Anissa Gruendler Chiropractic Physician, Nappanee, IN – excerpt from letter

Patient with Parkinson’s describes 2 years of CMRT treatments

Before I got on to CMRT therapy I was tired, and I drugged, and life was really rough, I just didn’t accomplish very much, and I was sad most of the time… I think my initial expectation was I would feel better and shake less, I did… I have been in the program for about 2 years and I am still better than I was before I started, even when you take into consideration the decline that would be natural for Parkinson’s… Life is very good at this point. I think the biggest benefit to me of this therapy is it gave me back myself… I would be so very thankful for the 2 years of improvement and quality of life it gave me, I would be so sad for the world if it was not available.”

68-yr old female patient in Parkinson’s clinical study

Patient with Parkinson’s improves his balance

“Having Parkinson’s, its pretty hard to keep my balance – has been. Since I’ve started taking this, which I’ve had 5 treatments, after the fourth one, I could tell a difference in my balance and I believe that that has helped me more than anything in my Parkinson’s is with the balance. But I actually feel better, not sickly as I normally was.”

Patient experience

Patient with Parkinson’s notices improvement walking after 1 treatment session

“When I walked around I was kind of shuffling my feet when I came in, but after treatment I was walking fairly decent, so that makes a big difference for me.”

Patient experience

Peroneal Neuropathy in both feet and feeling incredible pain “I’m a week out of the hospital, had a stroke and was in the hospital for 79 days, doctors gave up on me… Was as if the brain had been wiped clean of the memory that moves the peroneal nerve, so my feet don’t lift up and my left foot has incredible pain, and I’ve been in the chair for an hour and I’m fine (laughing). I have a lot of improvement.”

Patient experience

Spinal compression injury resulting in a neurological condition and loss of bone marrow at T8

[After years of working hard at physio daily, patient defies doctors prognosis and walks again, but with much difficulty and pain]. “Although it was a gift to be able to walk again, life was hard.” [27 years later he is introduced to CMRT, which he has used regularly for the last 3 and half years] “Wow, the result for me, is what I call a miracle more than a result, because there is so much improvement… I am convinced that anyone who tries the device not once or twice but takes the time and is physically active within their limitations, that they will have the results that they will never have expected.”

Daniel Bureau, Patient and Author of Vaincre au-delà de la souffrance (To Overcome, Beyond Suffering) – Montreal, Que

“My favorite case, the guy with post-polio syndrome that went from living at a pain level of 7/8 every minute of every day to a pain level of 1/2, no medications, 100% credit to CMRT, and who now helps his wife mow their 6 acres and leaves my office after his wellness visits and heads to the lake to go fishing, something that before CMRT he had totally given up on enjoying.”

Dr Anissa Gruendler, Chiropractic Physician, Nappanee , IN account of patient experience – excerpt from letter

POTS Syndrome; Disorder of the Autonomic Nervous System

“I understand that there are multiple frequencies to the treatment session and I felt my body react to each and everyone of them. Because of the CMRT treatment, I am able to participate now in regular sports and I’m going back to school part time. My chronic migraines have lessened to a point where I am able to go out and experience social activities. My digestive issues have almost completely gone away… CMRT allowed my sleep schedule to go back to a normal routine, before I would be waking up with headaches in the middle of the night or needing to go to the bathroom, now I just sleep like a baby.”

Patient experience -San Hose, CA

“Astounding, I really do believe that this is the future of healthcare”
I truly believe that this is the way to go to treat so many different ailments of our military and my patient population… My patients with PTS especially, have astounding, astounding results in just a few treatments, so I’m very encouraged and can’t wait to start getting more and more people in it”

Dr Tim Novelli, Founder of The Patriot Project (for Veterans) – N Canton

Veteran seriously injured by IED in Iraq

“This is from a week, a week and I can tell drastic changes in my PTSD like my stress levels, my focus is so much better… I was so depressed I really didn’t think that I wanted to go on, I was in so much pain that I did not want to go on anymore.”
“Since beginning treatment using the CMRT, I have clarity, I feel more calm, I’m sleeping better, and many other health issues have improved.”
Upon receiving a HALO home unit as part of the HALO FOR HEROS Program:
“Through my recovery I have had many aches and pains, and a long list of injuries, hard time sleeping, hard time focusing and a hard time concentrating and some trouble with my memory. Since using the Halo system for a few months now it has made dramatic changes in my life.”

Veteran Staff Sergeant Siloh Harris – Dallas-Fortworth, Texas – excerpts from article, testimonial video and Bay 9 News broadcast


“I train about 3 times a day and because I go in the machine I’m able to train real hard and then come here, recover and then get back to it, and then the next morning I wake up and it’s like I’m brand new again… it works, that’s all there is to it.”

CFL Player – Ottawa Redblacks

Pro Athlete uses CMRT for fast recovery between workouts

“I’m training 2 times a day, and instead of waking up and being sore for 2 or 3 days I sit in here for an hour and after that hour I get up and I am fully refreshed. It’s amazing, my flexibility comes back a lot quicker, I feel a lot more alert. For an athlete not to have something like this in their facility or at their home, I don’t know why they wouldn’t… It’s amazing and I will come back and use it as much as I can. Honestly it’s a blessing, I love it. I’ll go to my grave with it, I tell everyone about it… I just want to share it with everyone… Best thing I can tell them is you have to try it for yourself.”

NFL Player, Dallas Cowboys

Athlete uses CMRT to recover from sprained ankle and achillies injury

“Honestly you can never get used to it, first time you get hurt you think you’re done, you don’t know if this one is going to go away, then you get out of the machine and your first step, and you just think it’s going to hurt like it did before, it honestly feels like it’s kind of like a miracle machine… I’ve told friends about this, I’ve told teammates about this, it can’t be any more real. It’s honestly one of the best if not the best treatments I’ve ever had.. and I’ve done everything.”

NCAA basketball player, Orlando Florida

Pro Athlete purchases a HALO to extend his career and live a healthy lifestyle

“Waking up in the morning I limp around pretty bad, because of my feet, just the total punishment I’ve taken over 14 years, but right now I feel pretty amazing…I would truly recommend it for everyone to have this… Not only would it help to extend careers but I feel like anything you can do to give you the advantage after you’re done, to be able play with you’re kids to be able to live a healthy lifestyle after you’re done is the biggest key.”

CFL All-Star Player – Montreal Alouettes

“I injured my rotator cuff pretty badly, I’ve been experiencing a lot of pain… I spent an hour in the machine and after about an hour of being in there, I came out with no pain whatsoever in my rotator cuff, and that was yesterday… now it’s nothing at all, it’s amazing, I’m impressed, I’m sold.”

Patient experience – Trade-show Conference


Extreme back pain

“I have struggled with sciatic nerves for literally over 1 month, stepping out of the car, it was with a scream because it was so painful. Laying down in the bed, always turning around trying to find the right position. I took the pills, it cooled down then it comes back, and so I didn’t know what to do… Really to tell you the truth I was very skeptical but nevertheless I stepped into it, after the first treatment I came out feeling better, I came back a second time, I feel a lot stronger again and I was able to go to church that Sunday and worship and dance and jump, so I could say, they made me a believer! CMRT works, it helped me. If you’re looking for a treatment that does not involve medication, this will be something amazing to go try, it works for me it might work for you.”

Church Pastor

Pro football player with limited range of motion from sciatica

“The biggest problem I’ve had since training camp last month is my left sciatica’s been locked. I haven’t been able to unlock it or to get the knee raised or any power off of my left leg as much as I’d like because of it being so compacted” After the first session: “I think it’s awesome, to be able to get the knee raised, and to hold it with no pain and to have the power and strength in my hips now, and I feel like it rotates well now, so I’m good.”

CFL All-Star Player – Montreal Alouettes

“I’ve tried just about everything but shingles is very problematic, its very painful and it’s very difficult to alleviate the pain” After a couple of treatment sessions: “The throbbing stopped… I didn’t feel the need to move around and I slept comfortably.”

Pharmacist and Chiropractor – Florida

“The shoulder injury that I thought was career ending has completely resolved.”

Dr Anissa Gruendler, Chiropractic Physician, a personal account, Nappanee, IN- excerpt from letter

Patient with shoulder pain from repetitive strain and back pain from a past injury

“I already feel instant relief in my neck and also my back… and I also feel lighter and I feel a little more energetic actually, and that’s after 1 treatment. I wish I could have one in my house to be honest… it’s really something that most doctors, or all doctors should really have.”

23-yr old patient experience – Health Conference, Fort Lauderdale

Woman finds relief from shoulder pain after 4 months, with 4 CMRT treatment sessions

“I fell on an icy road in mid March, injuring my right shoulder. After 2 ½ weeks with little improvement I started physiotherapy treatment for the injury to the right rotor cuff and tendinitis. Although I had full range of motion, I was experiencing a lot of pain with upper arm movements. I was needing to take Tylenol 500 every 3 to 4 hours during the night. But not needing to take anything during the day. After 4 months of treatment weekly with physio, I had some improvement with range of motion but was still experiencing a lot of pain at night, and pain with certain upper arm movements.
I was introduced to Steve Frischman and CMRT on July 24th. Within 4 treatments lasting 1 to 1 ½ hours I no longer required pain medication at night! The arm/shoulder now moves with a lot less discomfort as I do my activities of daily living and physio exercises.”

77-year old retired Registered Nurse – excerpts from letter

Pain and poor sleep from a longtime shoulder injury

“I came in the first time, nothin’ second time nothin’ third time I was at the YMCA I took a shower and I could towel myself again, I couldn’t do that for years (patient demonstrates several movements that he couldn’t do previously due to the shoulder pain) “The most amazing thing is, there is no resting pain, I can go to sleep now at night, Now if I want to find pain I can find it you know, but as far as resting pain and not having emotional blow ups like I used to, its just freaking amazing, I could just go on and on, its just better quality of life I tell you.”

Patient experience – Clearwater, Florida

“One of our other doctors couldn’t sleep very well at all at night, and after that CMRT session, she was able to sleep through the nights, no problem.”

Dr Stan Pierce DC account of co-workers experience – St. Petersburg, Florida

A man corrects his chronic sleep problems

“I was having unbelievable sleep problems, I was sleeping like maybe 3 hours, I’d go to bed, sleep a couple of hours and then kind of be awake, half asleep for the rest of the night. Upon my first treatment, I got a really, an almost sound night of sleep, after the second treatment it got even better, and when I finished the sixth my sleep really corrected for quite a period of time because I have very chronic, chronic sleep problems. If you’re having sleep problems and you don’t want to take any medications I absolutely suggest you try this, it was very effective for me.”

Patient experience

Poor sleep and pain from injuries over the years

“I came in the first time, nothin’ second time nothin’ third time I was at the YMCA I took a shower and I could towel myself again, I couldn’t do that for years (patient demonstrates several movements that he couldn’t do previously due to the shoulder pain) “The most amazing thing is, there is no resting pain, I can go to sleep now at night, Now if I want to find pain I can find it you know, but as far as resting pain and not having emotional blow ups like I used to, its just freaking amazing, I could just go on and on, its just better quality of life I tell you.”

Patient experience – Clearwater, Florida

“I have noticed a lot of improvement in my face and body, the pressure from my sinus (that) has been forever in there has released, allowed me to sleep now without waking up in the middle of the night coughing. I am very limber… I am not dizzy anymore and I am more flexible. The pain was very strong in my back, and it is releasing… I am amazed! I don’t know what this thing is doing but it is incredible.”

Patient experience

In excruciating pain, and after 3 sessions patient was able to walk and bend
“I have three compressed discs, two in my lower back and one in my neck and so if I’m not very careful it can leave me dependent on a walker… Without CMRT I wouldn’t be walking on my own.” 2 years after her total of three treatment sessions the patient visits the manufacturer “And to this day I have not needed my walkers since… CMRT has saved my world. I would still be on those walkers without having treatments. I am so grateful to have found you here in Clearwater, Florida”.

Patient experience – Clearwater, Florida

“I have used CMRT on professional athletes for sprains, strains and repetitive traumas. I have seen them return to full function in a fraction of the time that one would expect for these injuries to heal.”

Jeffrey Bos, D.C., FACO. Acupuncturist & Chiropractic Orthopedist, Winter Springs, Florida – excerpt from letter

Pro football player recovers from a stress fracture in his leg

“To be honest, at first I was like what’s this guy talking about, but then when I actually stood up I was able to do things I couldn’t do without warming up properly, it was weird, pretty awesome.
I believe it was a week, maybe a week and a half, a couple sessions… and I’d tried everything, from bone stimulators, all types of treatment, bone graph but I literally just sat here like I’m doing now and the rest just happened. I was released from Cleveland because of the injury, was picked up by Dallas soon after everything was healed and ready to go. The trainer actually said you’re cutting a lot better, and coming outta you’re breaks and you’re more explosive like you’re a whole other player, and I’m thinking in my head ya (laughs) it’s the machine.”

NFL Player – Dallas Cowboys

“I had a stroke Monday which completely paralyzed my left side, there was no muscle tone or anything from the stroke and I’ve been in the machine every day and I feel better now than I did before I had my stroke. There’s no drooping in my face there’s no nothing it’s all completely better. The mind fog is gone, CMRT has helped tremendously, I have more energy, I feel more complete. Inside I feel better, more balanced.”

Patient experience

Patient is a child who regularly used scream therapy

“He came to me when he was 4, PTSD and suicidal, and we’ve tried everything… I went to a conference last month, his teacher cried, she wants to know what happened to him; He’s dancing, he’s singing… I have no way to measure it, but he’s beautiful and this machine has saved him.”

Grandmother raising 8 yr old grandchild


“My hips were in a lot of pain on both sides which I have been dealing with for a long time, it’s been years… And I have tinnitus, it’s really bad.”
After the first 1 hour session: “I have no pain right now at all in my hips… and my tinnitus is gone.. I cannot hear it… it’s just the craziest thing, it’s really crazy… I really just thought I would come out maybe relaxed, refreshed… I didn’t know I’d come out pain free and my tinnitus would be gone. It’s unbelievable… and the stories I’ve heard today from the other doctors that are using it… just unbelievable.”

47-yr old female amateur athletic – Super Conference, Orlando, Florida


“I live an active lifestyle and have back pain due to damage to my L-4, L-5 and S-1 vertebrae. Consistent sessions in the CMRT System has enabled me to continue to run, paddle board and play golf. It has been a life changer for me.”

Patient experience – Clearwater, Florida


“We had a lady fly all the way in from Germany, had unexplained wounds on her feet that wouldn’t heal. She’d tried doctors all over Europe, tried medicines, antibiotics, steroids – treatments in the U.S. and in Europe. Came over, and I was really confident we were going to help her body. We put her in the CMRT device an hour 3 times a week, and in 3 weeks for the first time in 8 years her feet were completely well. She said I can’t believe it.”

Dr Paul Finucan Chiropractic Physician at the Alternative Health & Healing Center, account of patient experience – North Naples, Florida