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Patients | Einstech


Each one of us experiences stress to some degree in our lives. Whether it is caused by physical, chemical, environmental or emotional triggers, many of us are in fact under a great deal of stress. Prolonged stress (or chronic stress) negatively affects our health and wellbeing.


Each one of us experiences stress to some degree in our lives. Whether it is caused by physical, chemical, environmental or emotional triggers, many of us are in fact under a great deal of stress. Prolonged stress (or chronic stress) negatively affects our health and well-being.

02Illness & Disease

The effects of chronic stress can cause inflammation, tension, stiffness, pain, anxiety, poor digestion, disrupted sleep, low energy levels and compromised immunity. Chronic stress is also known to be a factor in disease causation; and it can exacerbate symptoms among those who are sick or living with a disease.

03Optimal Function

In combination with a healthy diet and lifestyle, we should strive to minimize emotional and environmental stressors so our body can function optimally and even heal itself. Unfortunately, for many people living with chronic stress and compromised health, standard relaxation techniques may not reverse the vicious cycle of physiological stress that can wreak havoc on the body’s nervous system.

Introducing CMRT

There is now an effective way to alleviate physiological stress in your body. Introducing Clinical Magnetic Resonance Therapy (CMRT), the clinically proven method to enhance feelings of relaxation (FDA-authorized claim) to optimize health.

“Chronic Stress puts your health at risk. It can wreak havoc on your mind and body”
– Mayo Clinic

Introducing CMRT

There is now an effective way to alleviate physiological stress in your body. Introducing Clinical Magnetic Resonance Therapy (CMRT), the clinically proven method to enhance feelings of relaxation (FDA-authorized claim) in order to optimize health.

“Chronic Stress puts your health at risk. It can wreak havoc on your mind and body”
– Mayo Clinic

Address the Stress

The relaxation response improves overall health by balancing your body’s crucial autonomic nervous system (ANS). This helps address issues associated with chronic stress; it has been shown to:


digestion, organ function, cardiac rhythmicity, normalized blood pressure, regular sleep patterns, increased energy levels and optimal immune system response


inflammation, stiffness, pain, anxiety, allergies, depression

Address the Stress

The relaxation response improves overall health by balancing your body’s crucial autonomic nervous system (ANS). This helps address issues associated with chronic stress; it has been shown to:


digestion, organ function, cardiac rhythmicity, normalized blood pressure, regular sleep patterns, increased energy levels and optimal immune system response


inflammation, stiffness, pain, anxiety, allergies, depression

“The CMRT device is simply one of the best pieces of equipment on the market that we have found to bring significant, and often instant pain relief to the widest sampling of patients with the widest array of complaints. From Parkinson’s, to autism, to the standard aches and pains and headaches that we treat on a daily basis."

Kevin Sherwood - President and Co-Founder, Roseville Wellness Pavilion

“CMRT is unlike any modality we have ever used and has proven to be a game changer when it comes to addressing stress at its deepest levels, in some cases with results that can only be described as miraculous!”

Jourdan Rystrom - CMRT Clinician

Live Your Best Life

CMRT provides health benefits to everyone, whether you are:

In Sickness

A person seeking to reduce the symptoms of an illness or disease to improve quality of life

In Health

A healthy person wishing to optimize overall sleep, energy and immunity levels

In Pain

An individual trying to expedite healing and relieve inflammation and acute or chronic pain naturally

In Competition

An athlete wanting to increase performance by reducing the recovery time between training sessions

How CMRT Works

Einstein established that all ordinary matter in the universe is condensed electromagnetic field. This includes the human body which is made of cells and molecules each comprised of atoms which are tiny permanent spinning magnets. We can measure the magnetic fields emanating from the human body, in particular, the heart using a magnetometer and the brain using the common EEG scan.

Certain magnetic frequencies are naturally occurring (physiologic) within living systems, while others can be a source of dissonance. CMRT’s multi-patented technology reproduces the magnetic fields that occur naturally within our bodies. By reinforcing the resonance of healthy cells within target body systems, feelings of relaxation are enhanced and communication and balance can be restored to the nervous system and the entire body.

Among other benefits, the body’s relaxation response balances the autonomic nervous system (ANS) by inducing the parasympathetic (rest, digest, restore) state whereby our natural healing processes become engaged so the body can repair itself.

Our integrated Heart Rate Variability (HRV) monitoring system provides real-time biomarker feedback as to the effectiveness of each treatment session by measuring HRV, parasympathetic response and the general health of your crucial ANS.

An Enjoyable Experience

A CMRT session is an intensely relaxing experience. One simply reclines back in a zero-gravity orthopaedic chair inside the CMRT device and bathes in healing, low-level, naturally occurring magnetic fields for 30 – 60 minutes. Patients generally feel a sense of well-being and even a slight sense of weightlessness. Some individuals feel sensations such as mild tingling in certain areas, particularly where inflammation, injury or other conditions are present.

Many people fall asleep within a few minutes and are awoken by the chime at the end of the session. The positive effects of a CMRT session can last for days or weeks, while the cumulative effect of multiple sessions can be exponential and last for many months or years.

“Every medical doctor/health professional should have such a profound medical device. CMRT is the most effective technology for reversing the effects of stress on the human body, activating the body’s ability to heal itself.”

Raphael Kellman, M.D – New York

Introducing the HALO

Once you have experienced the benefits of CMRT, and have discussed treatment protocols for any special health conditions with your CMRT Clinician, it is possible to purchase a HALO solution for home use. The HALO is a magnetic resonance therapy system like the CMRT System that utilizes extremely low-level magnetic fields to enhance feelings of relaxation and balance your body’s Autonomic Nervous System.

The HALO system offers the same therapeutic efficacy as our CMRT System but in a more affordable and portable solution. It includes the same magnetic signal driver/controller unit and a laptop computer to access a smaller menu of essential treatment protocols and any protocols selected for your specific health needs. “HALO” which stands Home & Lifetime Option, is part of our commitment to make this technology affordable and accessible to people who require it regularly to improve their quality of life.

Contact Us

General Questions

Is a CMRT treatment session safe?

CMRT immerses the body in extremely low frequency magnetic fields. These same magnetic fields occur naturally in the body, making this a safe and natural therapy. The magnetic fields used are millions of times weaker than the electromagnetic fields that emit from a standard electrical outlet or cell phone. Interestingly, they are almost a trillion times weaker than those used in MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) which affect the atoms within our cells but with such strength, as to line up atomic nuclei for diagnosis.

What proof is there that CMRT is effective?

In addition to the use of real-time biomarkers and integrated patient symptom tracking software, CMRT is backed by over 25 years of compelling preclinical and clinical research studies conducted by leading Universities and medical institutes from around the world. For more information please visit the Clinical Research Section.

How does the HALO compare to the CMRT System?

Despite its lightweight and portable format, the HALO actually utilizes the same dual 7 ft. Helmholtz coil configuration to produce the identical physiologically occurring magnetic fields. The HALO includes a preconfigured laptop computer with a simplified user-friendly menu of about 30 select treatment protocols from the 150+ available on the clinical system. Treatment protocols from the clinical system are added to the HALO interface at no charge for patients requiring them for specific health conditions.

See how CMRT has helped individual patients across a wide range of health conditions
Learn more about the principles of physics and advanced technology behind CMRT
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