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Relaxation Response | Einstech

The Relaxation Response

Magnetic resonance stimulation utilizing pico-Tesla magnetic fields has been shown to enhance feelings of relaxation and increase parasympathetic innervation. This relaxation effect is achieved by CMRT through the targeted stimulation of the pneumogastric cranial nerve (aka the “vagus nerve”). The vagus nerve interfaces with the parasympathetic control of the heart, lungs, digestive tract and supplies motor parasympathetic nerve fibres to most organs in the body.

Akin to the sleep state where the body’s restorative and healing mechanisms are engaged, stimulating the vagus nerve provides the basis for decreasing stress and improving health by normalizing blood pressure, restoring cardiac rhythmicity, reducing intraocular pressure, reducing inflammation, stimulating the intestines and urinary bladder, dilating peripheral blood vessels, and promoting normal sleeping rhythms.

Even among patients experiencing severe acute or chronic stress, CRMT can enhance feelings of relaxation to increase parasympathetic response and help return the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and the whole body system to a state of balance and homeostasis. The effects of CMRT can be measured through various means including blood test markers for inflammation. The easiest way to measure the positive effects of CMRT is through the integrated patient symptom tracking software and the real-time heart-rate variability (HRV) monitoring system.

HRV is a representation of the balance between the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic portions of the Autonomic Nervous System. Low Parasympathetic and higher Sympathetic readings combined with a low variability indicate a declining state of health and adaptability.

David Fletcher, D.C. - Chief Clinical Officer Chiropractic Leadership Alliance

Integrated Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Monitoring

HRV is a biomarker that provides an accurate representation of the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic portions of the ANS. Low parasympathetic and higher sympathetic readings combined with a low heart rate variability indicate a declining state of health and adaptability. Whereas a balanced autonomic nervous system with higher heart rate variability is a key indicator of longevity and health. Apart from the intense feelings of relaxation and the alleviation of stress-related symptoms experienced by most patients, HRV objectively shows how CMRT is capable of restoring balance to the ANS in as little as a one-hour session.

25 Years of R&D and Clinical Studies