Safety and Risks

The magnetic fields utilized by CMRT technology are in the extremely low pico-Tesla range. This means they are millions of times weaker than the electromagnetic energy emitted from standard electrical outlets and cell phones, and approximately 10 million times weaker than the magnetic energy produced by the earth’s geomagnetic field, in which we are perpetually immersed.

In Canada, the device is classified as a therapeutic device and meets CSA standards. In the U.S. it is classified under the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a Class I medical device (the lowest risk category) FDA 21 CFR 820. In addition, the following standards are in place: ISO 13485:2003 (Design), ISO 9001:2008 (Manufacture), Certified by British Standards Institution (BSI)

There have not been any serious medical adverse events resulting from exposure to CMRT (or its predecessor, the Jacobson Resonator). However, in other studies, stimulation from stronger electromagnetic fields have been shown to increase the risk of seizures, especially in patients with lowered seizure thresholds. If a patient is at risk for seizures, she/he should not participate in CMRT sessions.

Contraindications – CMRT sessions should not be administered to patients with the following health conditions:

Implanted electrical stimulators in the brain

Chronic atrial fibrillation (poorly controlled)


CHF (Congestive Heart Failure)

High blood pressure (poorly controlled)

Sleep apnea (without CPAP device)

There are no other hazards that the manufacturer has identified with this device. It is possible however that health risks exist to patients with other medical conditions.

To date, eight studies conducted by five Institutional Review Boards (IRBs), including Independent Review Consulting, Inc. IRB, Western Investigational Review Board (WIRB), University of Colorado’s IRB (COMIRB), Ethical & Independent Review Services, and University of South Florida’s IRB have determined the predecessor to the CMRT Device, the Jacobson Resonator, to be a non-significant risk (NSR) device when applied to particular studies and protocols as administered to patients of Parkinson Disease, Alzheimer Disease, Fibromyalgia, and Type 2 Diabetes.

Safe & Enjoyable

Intense feelings of relaxation and a general sense of well-being are experienced by most patients undergoing a CMRT session

Many people find CMRT so relaxing that they fall asleep during the 30 – 60 minute treatment session. Some individuals feel a slight sense of weightlessness or mild localized tingling sensations generally where inflammation, injury or other conditions are present in the body.

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25 Years of R&D and Clinical Studies