“Nature itself is the best physician.”


“Nature itself is the best physician.”


CMRT Technology

Clinical Magnetic Resonance Therapy (CMRT) is a breakthrough technology on the leading edge of physics, medical science and natural healing. Through 25 years of research and development, CMRT has succeeded in harnessing the healing power of nature itself. CMRT is a magnetic resonance therapy system that reproduces the magnetic fields that occur naturally within a healthy human body.

It is the only system of its kind to immerse the whole body in precisely tuned physiologically occurring pico-Tesla level electromagnetic fields in order to positively affect target body systems.

As each cell type in the human body produces and responds to a different electromagnetic profile, CMRT utilizes precise electromagnetic fields to target and affect individual tissue types. To illustrate a key application of this technology, CMRT “enhances feelings of relaxation” (an FDA authorized claim) through the targeted stimulation of the vagus nerve to help restore balance to the crucial autonomic nervous system (ANS). The relaxation response improves overall health and activates the body’s powerful innate healing capabilities.

Please follow the links below to learn more.

25 Years of R&D and Clinical Studies